QSLA is committed to ensuring the ongoing professional development of all staff in Queensland school libraries.

QSLA provides professional development through biennial conferences, state-wide initiatives arranged by the association’s main body for subcommittee participation and local professional development activities organised by subcommittees.

A full list of all professional development opportunities can be found at Professional Development on this website.

Funding for Professional Learning

Under the QSLA Professional Development Policy, funds are available to support current financial members and subcommittees to organise professional development activities. These funds are maintained through the return of profits from QSLA activities, publication sales and subcommittee funds.

Subcommittees may apply for funds to subsidise approved local professional development initiatives and activities.

Subcommittees may also apply for funds to develop programs and activities that extend the skills and expertise of educators not immediately involved within a subcommittee. Individual members are invited to approach the council with suggestions of professional development activities to meet their specific needs.

QSLA Professional Development Policy Statement

  • Appendix 1 explains the policy
  • Appendix 2 gives examples of how funding accountability works
  • Appendix 3 provides the outline for reporting responsibilities
  • Appendix 4 describes overall role