QSLA is committed to ensuring the ongoing professional development of all staff in Queensland school libraries. To find out what professional development events are occurring throughout the year, click on the Upcoming Events page. Scroll down for available PD recordings.
QSLA provides professional development through a range of state and local programs and initiatives, including:
locally focused professional development activities organised by subcommittees for members and other interested persons
state-wide initiatives arranged by the association’s main body for subcommittee participation.
Professional learning is available for the following topics:
Databases – creating a successful database program in your school
Embracing ICT in the classroom - creating meaningful learning experiences
Book trailers
State Library of Queensland databases and education services
Electronic resources for the Australian curriculum
Scootle – accessing Scootle, finding resources, learning paths and collaborative spaces
Copyright compliance for teachers
Australian curriculum and inquiry learning/information literacy
Copyright for librarians
Learning place
Digital resources
Advocacy in the community
Mobile technologies
Digital citizenship and cyber safety
Money matters
Overdrive and other eBook solutions for school libraries
Picture books and the Australian English curriculum
Literature for young adults
QSLA Future Libraries Conference - Online Recordings
Click here for the 2024 QSLA Future Libraries Conference flyer and program, including costs.
Click here for the 2023 QSLA Future Libraries Conference flyer and program, including costs.
Click here for the 2022 FLRG Annual Teacher Librarian Conference flyer and program, including costs.
If you would like to access the QSLA Conference recordings, please complete the PD order form located here. Please complete all details of the recording you would like to access, including payment (if applicable) and send to the QSLA Secretariat via email secretariat@qlsa.org.au.
QSLA Brisbane Subcommittee - PD
Professional Development - Online Recordings
If you would like to access any of the QSLA Professional Development recordings, please complete the PD order form located here. Please complete all details of the recording you would like to access, including payment (if applicable) and send to the QSLA Secretariat via email secretariat@qlsa.org.au.
ai & critical thinking.
PRESENTED BY jason lodge
Tuesday 23 April 2024
Cost: $FREE for QSLA members, $30 for non-members
This PD addresses the following AITSL standards:
1. Know students and how they learn.
3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning.
4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments.
6. Engage in professional learning.
Jason will discuss the emergent uses and concerns of generative AI and learning. In his work, Jason advocates for a holistic approach to learning in the AI age by emphasising the need for self-regulated learning and co-regulation to steer productive human-AI educational interactions.
Join us for discussion about where AI could be used to assist in research and information literacy and where our students, as thinkers, still need to and should do the heavy lifting. Teacher Librarians play a significant role in designing learning, and leading pedagogy in their schools, therefore this is an important opportunity to explore the implications of AI on the role of critical thinking cognitions.
If you would like to access to this recording, please complete the PD order form located here. Please complete all details of the recording you would like to access, including payment (if applicable) and send to the QSLA Secretariat via email secretariat@qlsa.org.au.
Supporting Reading in the Teen Years.
PRESENTED BY Teen Reading Research Group
Monday 13 November 2023
Cost: $25 for QSLA members, $30 for non-members
This PD addresses the following AITSL standards:
1. Know students and how they learn.
3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning.
4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments.
6. Engage in professional learning.
Lead by Associate Professor Leonie Rutherford, the Teen Reading research program at Deakin investigates young people’s reading preferences and practices.
Their recent research project ‘Discovering a ‘Good Read’: Cultural Pathways to Reading for Australian Teens in a Digital Age’, aims to support the school, library, and book industries to increase teenagers’ recreational reading.
The research maps a broad digital and cultural economy of reading, investigating how teens discover books, and the cultural and material factors that influence their choices. It also studies the role of different cultural intermediaries, ranging from professionals such as librarians, publishers and booksellers, to new digital intermediaries and networks in the digital ecology.
If you would like to access to this recording, please complete the PD order form located here. Please complete all details of the recording you would like to access, including payment (if applicable) and send to the QSLA Secretariat via email secretariat@qlsa.org.au.
A library literacy lesson: How to read and write about data in junior Maths and Science classes.
PRESENTED BY Fiona Philip and Brian Bodell
Monday 7 August 2023
Cost: $25 for QSLA members, $30 for non-members
This PD addresses the following AITSL standards:
1. Know students and how they learn.
3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning.
4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments.
In this webinar, Fiona Philip and Brian Bodell (Teacher Librarians, Churchie) will share their lessons taught, created and delivered in response to Maths and Science teachers’ requests for support.
Teachers of Maths and Science acknowledge that reading and writing in their subjects needs further emphasis but don’t necessarily have the time or expertise to mobilise cross curricular understandings.
These resources have been evaluated and delivered to classes across Year 7 and 9 since 2021.
If you would like to access to this recording, please complete the PD order form located here. Please complete all details of the recording you would like to access, including payment (if applicable) and send to the QSLA Secretariat via email secretariat@qlsa.org.au.
Monday 15 May 2023
Cost: $25 for QSLA members, $30 for non-members
This PD addresses the following AITSL standards:
1. Know students and how they learn.
3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning.
4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments.
6. Engage in professional learning.
In this webinar, Stephen will discuss practical implications of AI for teaching and learning and will relate this specifically to the role of the teacher librarian. The session will cover the following topics:
AI and Information/Media Literacy
What are some ideas & issues related to AI in Education?
What are some issues related to ethics & academic integrity?
How might some accessible AI tools be used in promoting inquiry, differentiation and inclusion?
How can accessible AI tools be used to promote multi-literacies, reading and creativity?
If you would like to access to this recording, please complete the PD order form located here. Please complete all details of the recording you would like to access, including payment (if applicable) and send to the QSLA Secretariat via email secretariat@qlsa.org.au.
Library Website and Research Guides Showcase
Presented by QSLA Brisbane Subcommittee community members
Wednesday 2nd November 2022
$15 for QSLA members, $20 non-members
This PD addresses Teaching Standards
2. Know the content and how to teach it.
3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning.
6. Engage in professional learning.
7. Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community.
In this webinar, members of our QSLA Brisbane subcommittee will showcase a range of school library websites and research guides. These online environments are critical in providing students with access to high-quality resources that meet their learning preferences. Specifically, research guides provide carefully curated material that meet users’ information needs and develop students’ information fluency skills by connecting with pedagogical design including the information search process and inquiry learning models such as i-Learn and guided inquiry.
This showcase will include the following demonstrations and discussions:
user experience [UX] principles and library website design,
research guides including for assessment and ATAR preparation,
embedded information skills and scope and sequence.
If you would like to access to this recording, please complete the PD order form located here. Please complete all details of the recording you would like to access, including payment (if applicable) and send to the QSLA Secretariat via email secretariat@qlsa.org.au.
Marketing, Social Media and School Libraries
Presented by Diane Velasquez
Monday 23 May 2022
$25 for QSLA members, $30 non-members
This PD addresses Teaching Standards
6. Engage in professional learning.
7. Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
In this webinar, Diane will touch on the basics of marketing and applying that to the digital space through social media and websites. The focus will be on what teacher-librarians can do to advocate effectively with their stakeholders (staff, students, parents). There will be suggestions of how to use social media effectively to advocate and market for the school library.
If you would like to access to this recording, please complete the PD order form located here. Please complete all details of the recording you would like to access, including payment (if applicable) and send to the QSLA Secretariat via email secretariat@qlsa.org.au.
Reading Detective Program: an intensive reading program for Years 7 and 8
Presented by Joyce Sendeckyj
Wednesday 9 March 2022
Free for QSLA members, $30 non-members
This PD addresses Teaching Standards:
3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning.
6. Engage in professional learning.
In 2019, St. Peter’s Catholic College embarked on an intensive reading program for our year 7 and 8 students to achieve one of the key College goals of achieving accelerated growth in literacy. Our Reading Detectives Program was formulated to underpin this goal.
The framework for the Reading Program for 2020 consisted of a combination of wide reading and explicitly taught strategies in mini-lessons by Teacher Librarians to class groups. Students would also be involved in a combination of Sustained Silent Reading (free choice novel) and a regular one-on-one conferencing session to progress the goals and skills learned in the plenary sessions. Extra teachers had also been assigned to assist with student conferencing, and, as we approached the middle of March 2020, we were making some headway in our reading lessons; students were reading, responding and setting strategic reading goals. However, the way schools were to function was about to make a momentous change.
We watched and listened to the stealthy (and unhealthy) invasion of the COVID-19 virus into our lives, leading to an exit of students from on-campus learning to home schooling. Suddenly, our well-planned intensive reading program needed to be flipped!
If you would like to access to this recording, please complete the PD order form located here. Please complete all details of the recording you would like to access, including payment (if applicable) and send to the QSLA Secretariat via email secretariat@qlsa.org.au.